Episode 4.11γi

January 2016 game with Ron, Jason, Eunsil

Episode IV.XIγi: Back to the Rebellion

On the Song, Lepa, Pyul, and ST-8 are recovering from their previous adventures. They are alerted by one of the keepers that a signal is activated on the Barn Swallow’s com system. On arriving at the ship, Pyul discovers this is a holo transmission from Rin Hahmoxis meant for her. The transmission shows Rin requesting Pyul take care of some routine purchases for Fair Heritage Galactic Mercantile. However, Pyul sees Rin gesturing subtly in Naboo battle language, “Danger of discovery, begin here” at a point on her elaborately woven scarf. Pyul knows this is an indication to another secret code pattern in the scarf itself, and with some help from ST-8 is able to decode stellar coordinates for a rendezvous.

The characters fly the Barn Swallow to the coordinates, which brings them to an Oort field in an uninhabited star system. Scanning the area they are able to discover other ships hiding behind some of the ice balls. Scanning more closely, they discover a system patrol craft and four near-derelict freighters, two the size of the Barn Swallow, and two much larger.

One of the larger freighters shows sign of ship to ship weapon damage, and appears to need some repair. The characters discuss whether this may be a trap, but decide it is likely the correct people. They signal the system patrol craft and are surprised to be answered by Lepa’s creepy loan shark, Glimmer Marksman, and his girlfriend Q.P.

Glimmer and Q.P. explain that the Imperials have cracked down in the Tullis System since some hero named “Luke Skywalker” blew up a new imperial space station called the Death Star. Apparently the planet Alderaan was destroyed by this Death Star before this “Luke” shot it down. Now that Imperial Inquisitor, Rogan Vaas, showed up with a Star Destroyer, and has taken over Tullis Station and occupied the planet.

Pyul takes the news of Alderaan’s destruction hard. Her mother was stationed on Alderaan, and is almost certainly dead.

In the process of evacuating their own organization, Glimmer and QP assisted and received assistance from the rebel organization in escaping the Tullis System. Rin Hahmoxis’s ship was captured by the Imperials during the escape while providing cover for the other ships. One of the larger freighters holding both rebels and members of Glimmer’s organization was damaged during the escape and is leaking air. It is urgent that they find a safe haven for the rebels as soon as they can.

Concerned about exposing The Song to possible Imperial pursuers, or even Glimmer’s people, the characters debate briefly about whether to bring it here, or risk bringing the damaged freighter through another hyperspace jump. They decide to summon The Song, which has been waiting on the distant outskirts of this system, beyond sensor range.

The Song arrives with very little time to spare. The Song, with Keeper attention attempts to link its docking tentacle with the freighter’s damaged airlock, but is unable to make a seal. The Keepers let Lepa know it will require exterior manual placement before properly sealing. Lepa and Pyul don EVA suits and walk up the docking tentacle umbilical to the freighter airlock. They arrive and begin to manually make the seal. Unfortunately, as Pyul grasps a damaged panel to make a final seal, a high voltage short circuit paralyzes her. Pyul looses consciousness, but as the electricity courses through her body her grasp seizes firmly on the electrified panel. Lepa, realizing the danger, kicks himself away from the floor to knock Pyul off her rigid grasp. Lepa is also knocked out by the shock, but manages to break himself and Pyul free.

Back aboard the Song, Lepa regains consciousness. He and Pyul are in the infirmary recovering from their shock. Pyul is still unconscious in an immersion tank, but a Keeper reassures Lepa that she is expected to wake soon and recover from her burns. Her spacesuit shielded her from the worst of the high voltage.

The Song infirmary is full of patients. Keepers and the refugee leaders were able to retrieve them and the trapped freighter passengers through the airlock, which Pyul and Lepa had successfully sealed. Unfortunately, due to the severe damage, and poor environmental conditions aboard the freighter, some of the weaker passengers had died even before the characters were able to rescue them. Pyul regains consciousness and is detanked and assigned a recovery bed in the infirmary. However, Lepa and Pyul’s timely effort saved the remaining survivors.

Lepa spends his recovery time working with the Keepers to construct a new lightsaber using an Ithorian ceeremonial spade design to disguise it.

Pyul meanwhile spends her recovery speaking with the recovering freighter passengers. From their visitors, she learns that, while they were unconscious, Glimmer and the Rebellion’s organizations have claimed separate parts of The Song, and are working apart from each other to establish shelter and organization. Freighter Captain Borbol, a humanoid with an prominent lumpy forehead, is the captain in charge of the damaged freighter, and is very grateful to Pyul and Lepa for their assistance. He introduces her to Delta, a young Durosian rebel leader, Halmoni, an elderly Ishi Tib confidant of Rin Hahmoxis, and Senda, a human female station security guard for FHGM. Halmoni reveals that QP is several decades older than she looks, and is truthfully the real leader behind Glimmer’s organization. Glimmer is in fact just a figurehead and her bodyguard.

When Pyul gets back on her feet, she and Lepa visit the enclaves of the Rebellion and Glimmer’s organization. They see further proof that Q.P. is the real leader of Glimmer’s gang. Pyul helps coordinate cooperation between QP and the rebel leaders, getting them to share their skill and labor to help each other out. Pyul suggests to the rebel leaders that they begin to learn the Naboo battle language for secret communication, instructing Delta and a few of the Keepers on the basics so they can begin training other trusted operatives in these covert communications.

The Keepers bring Lepa’s completed and functional lightsaber with the Ithorian spade disguise back to him. Through a misunderstanding they went above and beyond Lepa’s directions, and enhanced his lightsaber design with a sound powered hilt shield, that enhances his parrying ability.

Episode IV.XIIγi: Journey to Spire

<>Halmoni contacts the characters to let them know she’s received a covert transmission from a rebel source. They have discovered Rin Hahmoxis is being sent to a top security prison on the planet Spire. She will be interrogated there and will eventually, under torture, give up Rebellion secrets. She gives the characters a mission to rescue or prevent Rin Hahmoxis from divulging the Rebellion’s secrets.

Halmoni will put them in contact with some smugglers on the planet. Belven, her smuggler contact, smuggles construction materials to replace the damaged shelters without paying the exorbitant imperial tariff on the goods. The poorer communities are unable to afford proper filtering equipment, and rely on the black market to obtain them.

The Song employs its manufacturing facilities to extrude several high quality filters according to the specifications the smugglers will need as payment.

Pyul is given some disguise for her helmet and armor based on Spire head coverings and clothing.

Vem, a transponder code technician alters the Barn Swallow’s transponder codes to the “Spirit of Forest Cargo”, Polytonally in Ithorian, sounds “Sshtta’-do~-tah\-KAA~-ro-ro-“

Halmoni gives the Chs several life support filters that were fabricated on the Song and some personal air filtration systems.

“Your contact is a smuggler named “Belven” who you can find on the southern continent capital Chehim. These life support filters are quite valuable if you can get them in system past the system patrol ships to avoid the tariffs. The system is rather crowded with comets and small planetoids that may give you some cover.”

The characters travel to Spire, and using a long scan and some stealthy piloting are able to sneak past the system patrol craft to Spire’s surface. As they approach the heavily populated South Pole continent, where they are supposed to meet Belven, they decide to avoid attention from the capitol city Imperial base by landing at a mountain community a few hours shuttle flight from the capitol. They pay a moorage fee with the local landing port, and take a shuttle to the capitol, and proceed into the slum quarter where they are supposed to meet Belven.

The slum quarter is more heavily exposed to the toxic lower cloud layer on Spire. The characters can sense their eyes burning as they proceed through the dilapidated neighborhood. Some street thugs confront them, but back off quickly when Pyul shows off her fighting skills.

They soon reach Belven,s warehouse. No one comes out to greet them, so they proceed inside, and are unpleasantly interrupted by several small flying amoeboid creatures. Slapping them aside, they enter a disused closet in the back of the warehouse. Around a corner they hear voices, and opening yet another door, see Belven, an elderly, short, round bodied alien male dressed in rough miner’s clothes surrounded by his henchmen.

Belven agrees to take their payment (the characters only promise him half of their stock of filters as payment, but he seems willing to take them in exchange for his help). He will meet them at a specific set of coordinates once they retrieve the filters and their ship.

When the characters return to the landing port, they discover that the Barn Swallow has been impounded. The ground crew on the field do not provide much help, but talking to a bartender, “Chuck” the characters gain some helpful gossip about the situation with Jibrit. (Chuck appear to have a thing for Pyul).

Characters snuck into Jibrit’s cliffside compound, stole some small airspeeders and used them to lift up through the levels and find the Barn Swallow during a hot firefight. ST8 effectively used a newly installed holographic projector to provide visual cover during the firefight.

Following the firefight the characters were successful in stealing back their illegally impounded ship, but were then pursued by Jibrit in a SkipRay Blastboat. After some below the clouds maneuvering, they managed to defeat Jibrit’s ship, which crash landed among some sub-cloud rock formations.

February 18, 2017 game with Eunsil, Jason, Jody, Douglas, and Roman

Episode IV.XIIIγi: Gathering of the Force

Pyul and Lepa receive radio contact from 3 new agents sent by the rebellion to help them in their task. Mike, a mole-like Volan pilot pilots an X-wing. And Tenshi, a humanoid medic, and Nebit, a Jawa technician arrive in the Sith fighter that was found on The Song. They rendezvous at the coordinates provided by Belven.

Lepa and Mike scan below the clouds and they realize that the coordinates they were given are the correct coordinates, and they descend through the clouds ignoring the tents on the neighboring peak. However, as Lepa lands the Barn Swallow, he reaches out with the force to feel who is in Belven’s facility. Tenshi also reaches out at the same time. Both are surprised to sense 3 persons strong in the force on the peak with the tent gathering.

Belven welcomes the characters when they enter the warehouse. He relays that the incident with Jibrit was not discovered by the authorities because Jibrit was hoping to illegally impound and claim their ship and filters. There should be no reason to worry about the incident becoming public or known by the imperials.

Lepa asks Belven about the neighboring tent encampment and Belven explains about the swap-meet occurring there and mentions that religious ceremonies occur there too. Belven suggests the Tlalk are not very communicative with outsiders, though they seem technologically advanced they rarely will trade with Belven, despite his willingness to negotiate.

Belven explains using Rum Tubrol’s tanker scow to smuggle the Chs into the prison.Rum is a contractor pilot who delivers toxic cleaning solutions to the prison. Rum was bribed to bring them in, but has performed tasks for bribes for Belven before and seems reliable.

Belven explains again that a dissatisfied imperial corporal, Corporal Kesnyet Nin, would open the tanker and sneak them into the prison as disguised prisoners. She is supposed to hack the prison computers to explain their presence, and provide them with prisoner garb and assistance in finding Rin Hahmoxis. He shows them a holo of a red-haired woman in an imperial prison guard uniform with her hair tied back in a braid.

The Chs decide to check out the Tlalk swap meet. Lepa has the intent to meet the 3 force sensitives he detected earlier. Tenshi is interested in the Tlalk medical knowledge. Nebit wants to trade with the Tlalk. Mike and Pyul both are interested to learn more.

The Chs fly the Barn Swallow in to the swap meet and land outside the gathering then walk in.They start talking to the first person they meet at the edges of the meet.

The Tlalk are a lot more friendly to the Chs than they were led to believe by Belven. They share information and trade freely. Nebit acquires a new cyborg/droid arm with Tlalk technology and helps Mike purchase a new eye that senses both the visible and infrared range. The characters notice they are watched as a curiosity by the general crowd, but are generally accepted. They also notice the high frequency of X shaped scars on the faces of all the Tlalk, and that the wealthier Tlalk sometimes wear filter systems, while the poorer Tlalk all have bulky bags covering their faces. All Tlalk cover their faces on the nose and chin and wear goggles.

However, as the Chs approach the central tent, they noticed they are drawing intense expectant attention from all the Tlalk near the tent. They arrive at the main tent entrance and are greeted by the tent guards who open the tent flap as if expecting honored guests. All the chiefs of the tribes are lined up along a path leading to the center of the tent where 3 emaciated figures in poor quality clothing, and wearing blindfolds kneel on a dirt floor.

Tenshi cautiously draws in his other body which was staying aboard the Barn Swallow and he sneaks this body around the a side entrance of the tent. Despite his stealth, he is surprised to discover a similar greeting for this 2nd body, and an organized path of watchers, directing his 2nd body to the center of this tent.

Pyul gets the sense that the correct protocol is to sit down, and the other characters follow suit. Lepa extends a tentative psychic greeting using the force to the 3 seated figures, he receives a friendly but expectant return greeting along with a sense of worry for the Chs well being, somehow tied to worry about their own (the Tlalks’) well being.

The 3 blindfolded ones explain to the Chs that they sensed them coming through their prescience, and that they would play a critical role in preventing a great evil from spreading through the galaxy. If they fail, all the Rebellion’s efforts in resistance to the Empire will also fail. They would soon face many difficult trials in the tasks they had been set to, but they must not limit their thinking to the task they were assigned or great evil would extend to the world.They confess that the Chs success will determine whether the Tlalk will be destroyed or survive. They caution the characters specifically that they must remain “spiritually pure” during the trials of the next few days, or they will be doomed when the great evil arrives.

They offer the characters what assistance they can provide. A group of chieftains continue the conversation from here as the blindfolded ones appear to be exhausted. They explain how they use the Frellth as symbiotes to breath without suffering from the parasytic bites. They also offer some equipment that should allow the Chs to install secret compartments in droids or other machines, that can hide one small weapon each and eject them when a signal is given.

Tenshi spends some time evaluating the blindfolded ones medical condition. He immediately discovers they are suffering from long term physical deprivation that started in their childhood, and with some bedside manners learns their force prescience training has side effects that prevents them from being able to properly eat, sleep, or drink. They are all in their late teens, but look much older. He prescribes them a diet and nutritional supplement regime that should help them manage their ability to eat, drink, and rest while using their force abilities. The chieftains are very grateful for this assistance.

The Chs return to Belven’s compound to meet Rum Tubrol, the tanker pilot who was bribed to bring them into the EGG prison facility. He shows them how they will survive the toxic cleaning solution in the tank (in space suits coated in a waxy/gelatinous substance resistant to the toxic cleaning slime). The cleaning solution used to remove biological plaques from the mist is very toxic and corrosive. A shipment of this solution in a sealed tanker vessel may be used to escape from the prison after a specified time.They are provided with glowing wrist timers that show them how much time has elapsed since entering the tank. They will have about 4 hours of air in their suits, but should be rescued from the tank at 2 hours 30 minutes.

The Chs drop through a hatch in the tanker, from which a toxic gas is fuming on contact with the air (Rum is in a protective SCBA suit as well during loading). The toxic cleaning solution is purplish-mauve and fizzes and bubbles through the gloppy gelatinous liquid.

Once in the tank, the characters can barely see each other, but at close proximity are able to communicate through the Naboo battle language. Their stomaches turn and they barely avoid motion sickness as the tanker flies to the prison. Eventually, they feel the scow stop, as if at the checkpoint, then after a few minutes, it proceeds forward for a short time and stops. The time elapsed is 1 hour 49 minutes.

The Chs wait for the tank hatch to open. At 2 hours and 30 minutes, no one arrives. After another 15 minutes has passed the Chs are seriously concerned and starting to consider alternative plans.

Mike inspects the tank interior to see if there are any levers or other access points.There are none, not even a latch or an emergency release.

Lepa uses the force to sense the presence of living beings in the prison around him. The living forms he senses may be close enough to be in the hanger room. He decides to wait until they have only 15 minutes left before attempting to release the hatch using the Force. Through gesture Tenshi also agrees to help with this at the same time.

At 15 minutes until their air runs out, Lepa and Tenshi attempt to use the Force to unlatch and open the hatch. They manage to unlock the 3 hatch locks and then at 7 minutes of air remaining, Lepa succeeds with tremendous effort in lifting the heavy master latch that unlocks the hatch. Lepa again reaches out with the force and senses the presence of 5 people just outside the tanker. He waits for them to leave, but then decides to push the hatch open, as they now only have 1 minute until they run out of air.

Pyul prepares to climb out of the hatch first, knowing they may have to fight. As she climbs above the hatch edge, she sees 4 prison guards collapse from the tank fumes, while a 5th guard clasps a ventilator to his face as he runs to a wall alarm. Pyul leaps off the tanker and tackles the guard from behind. They struggle with each other until Mike is able to stun the guard with a blow, which allows them to pin and hold him.

Pyul takes her helmet off and swoons slightly in the still toxic air. The other characters also de-helmet and struggle to breath through the foul chemistry. Pyul yanks the ventilator from the still struggling guard who quickly passes out from the fumes. The other characters equip ventilators. The fumes slowly dissipate from the room, allowing the Chs to breath normally.

Tenshi checks the guards’ condition and verifies they are still alive, but unconscious. Lepa looks for a place to stash the guards before they wake up, and Tenshi administers a tranquilizer to keep them sedated.

Nebit links his droid brains to a data port to access the prison data systems. He confirms that no station alarms have sounded from their activity, and also learns that an unscheduled prison security drill has upset the current schedule. Corporal Nin is waiting with a work crew that the computer believes matches the description of the characters. Nebit sends a comm message to Corporal Nin to report to loading dock #8 immediately.

In the meantime, Nebit checks for the presence of Rin Hahmoxis among the prisoners,but discovers some dangerously sensitive and complicated security systems linked to that query, and just barely covers his tracks and disconnects before the guard programs discover his intrusion.

Most of the characters hide in the tanker scow, while Pyul and Mike wait next to the door to surprise anyone who comes through. The door opens and Pyul first sees the barrel of a blaster enter the room. Hesitantly, a hand holding the blaster appears, and Pyul grabs it, yanks the blaster out, and pins the guard to the floor. The female guard, who they now recognize as Corporal Kesnyet Nin, shouts in alarm, struggles, then seeing Pyul, suddenly relaxes and says with relief, “Oh, thank the Force!”.

February 19, 2017 game: Eunsil, Jody, Douglas, Roman. Jason present by phone for the initial scene.

Episode IV.XIVγi: Cleaning up

Pyul relaxes her grip slightly on Corporal Nin. Nin asks incredulously, “How did you manage to get out of the tanker?” Pyul lets Nin get up. Nin stands up, brushes and straightens her uniform, and says, “I’ll get your collars”. She heads towards the storage container, opens it, sees the unconscious guards, and says, “Oh no… What are we going to do!”

The problem is that these guards will be missed as shifts change in the prison. They may have less than an hour before the first guard is scheduled to report. The characters discuss what to do. Meanwhile, Nin unloads a crate from the storage container, and brings out some prisoner collars. Nin explains these collars have explosive charges that will decapitate the wearer if triggered. They are triggered automatically if the wearer exits the prison.

Nebit reprograms the Chs prison collars to detach if they use a rhythmic tap signal (tap-tap-tap TAP TAP tap-tap-tap TAP TAP), and to arm as grenades with 5 second delay with another tap signal (TAP TAP tap-tap tap-TAP-TAP tap-TAP-TAP).

The characters debate what to do about the unconscious guards. Nin suggests killing them and leaving their bodies after exposing them more to the toxic gases, making it look like an accident. The characters reject that plan due to their concern about keeping “spiritually pure” according to the blindfolded ones. Tenshi tries to figure out an amnesiac medicine, but is not sure he has the right supplies to admister it safely to the guards. Lepa uses the Force to modify the memory of the guard who fought them, so he believes he was injured and knocked open by by a faulty hatch when it popped open. Mike very effectively uses his claws to fake the damage on the tank hatch so that it looks like it was damaged during transport, and leaves it barely closed. Tenshi administers a drug to all the guards that should cause hallucinations and may confuse their memories. Nebit rewrites the local video record of the hanger to make it appear that the guards suffered from a random accident, and no one else was present.They move the guards bodies back to where they all collapsed.

Nebit asks Nin about where to find Rin Hahmoxis. She says high level prisoners are kept in the command level above the prison. She cautions that only the command level data ports can provide access to VIP prisoner cells, and is impressed that Nebit avoided the security programs when trying to hack in from an outside system.

Tenshi moves his main body to an exterior storage container which is exposed to the toxic air. He will use the Frellrs to breathe and Nin will bring him food and water every day. Nin will stash their weapons and gear until they are able to install them in accessible secret compartments.

Nin rushes the characters to their assigned work station, a toilet where they are expected to clean the facility (Lepa draws a short straw and is assigned an unpleasant deep access pipe cleaning job that he must do alone and away from the other characters [still guarded by a raw private that Nin orders around]). They rush through the work using all their abilities. Nebit in particular uses his robot arms to assist in some of the more difficult cleaning. They finish the cleaning with remarkable speed and efficiency, impressing Nin, when Nebit suddenly hears heavy boots approaching the toilet. Nebit hides his robot arms in the access panel where he was working and crawls out as a large guard sargeant arrives for a surprise inspection.

Nin shouts, “Line up” and the characters line themselves for inspection. The guard sneers at all of them including Nin, then begins to inspect the cleaning work. Surprisingly, he quickly discovers Nebit hiding place for his robot arms, and shouts, “What is this contraband!?!”

Pyul rushes towards the sargeant, ready to punch him, but decides to hold back at the last second. All the characters attempt to con the sargeant with conflicting stories, Tenshi notably points at Nebit saying, “It was his, I don’t know how he got them!”. The sargeant looks momentarily confused but seeing Pyul approach him aggressively, he smashes her down with the robot arm. Pyul parries him with great skill, but is unable to make it look like she was struck, which infuriates the sargeant. He smashes her twice again, this time connecting with damage, and leaving her wounded and bleeding on the ground. He kicks her and spits on her for good measure, then stomps over to Nebit and says with a vicious grin, “Are these yours?”.

Nebit plays dumb, looking helpless and speaking rough Gal-standard with Jawa gibberish in between, “…not…mine….not mine…”. The sargeant finds Nebit’s helplessness amusing, and doubles over laughing, then straightens, throws the robot arms into Nin, who struggles to catch them, and says, “Throw that junk into the scrapper!” He then swaggers out of the room.

Tenshi immediately stoops to treat Pyul with first aid and the Force. His administrations get her back on her feet and steady, but sore and bruised.

Pyul quietly asks Nin about who is in control of the prison. Nin replies that “The Warden controls everything.” Pyul clarifies, “No, I mean among the prisoners.” Nin says, “You will be able to recognize them in the games. Avoid them. Do not show how you can fight or you will be thrown into the games yourself, You don’t want to be in the games.”

Pyul presses Nin, “You should join us, the rebellion could use you.” Nin, looking surprised , fearful, and hopeful whispers back, “That may be my only option.”

Nin lines the characters up ahead of her and directs them in a march towards the prison cells. Tenshi’s main body can sense that his 2nd body is approaching the central core of the prison, a few stories up from where his main body is hidden on the outside of the hanger deck.

Nin stops the characters at a central door and has them line up facing the wall with their hands up. She activates the “hold” function on their collars (the collar lights change from blue to green), saying “Don’t move or the bombs will trigger.” She then proceeds to the access plate to open the door.

The door opens, and a wind enters the corridor carrying the scent of outside air. Nin orders, “Prisoners, proceed into the holding area.”