Sing-a-long with Kur

Kurin (to Kur): No tone huh? Hey, you can count right? Try this…


Got it? Now clap…
Clap Clap…

OOC: Once Kur gets it. Kurin says…

Kurin: OK, keep going. Don’t stop!

OOC: Kurin follows Kur’s beat with this pattern…

And repeats with each verse

Kurin: {chants in a monotone to the beat}:

Mist rise fore the sun
dew wet ground
We wake!
Lark chant in the mead
wind bend grass
We sing!
Cart bump on a rock
wheel roll round
We move!
Smoke drift on the breeze
fire burn stick
We work!
Owl hoot in the wood
cloud pass moon
We dream!
Wave push drift and sand
wind blow sea
We trade!
Deer leap high and far
hoof kick dust
We hunt!
Creek flow swift and fast
sun melt snow
We dance!
Wing beat through the sky
white goose fly
We follow!

Kurin: That’s one I learned with my family. We’re Miri Azan, you know, tinkers, I was born to tall people.
Here’s one from my family at Green Mountain.
These are the Common verses, the Dwarvish version is much richer, and has a lot more verses…

Thump… {stomps foot}
badger grunt
Tik-tik-tik… {raps a spoon on his beer mug}
marmot cry
Tep-tep… {taps knuckle on wood table}
rabbit thump
Hey-Oohh!… {sings out}
nanny bleats

Kurin: We keep rabbits and marmots in the mine you know, they’re good at knowing when a shaft is unstable, and smarter than sparrows, they warn us before any bad air kills them. But I guess you must have critters too. We use nanny and billy goats to pull carts in the mines. During weaning the milkers make a lot of noise calling their kids.
Now you do the beat. Remember one stomp, three spoons, two taps, one Hey-Oohh! Pause between for my chant.

hammer pound
anvil ring
shovel dig
bellows blow

papa drum
baby cry
mama chant
children sing

boulder drop
water drip
pebble roll
quiet fall

Kurin: Here’s one I got from Inel, my dwarf mom.

Clap! {claps hands}
set the brace
Tek! {taps knuckle on table}
shovel coal
Whoof! {blows air from mouth}
bellows blow
Thump! {stomps foot}
rabbit watch
Wheeee! {whistles}
marmot sing
Pep! {Pops finger in mouth!}
water drip
T-h-r-r-r-r {rolls tongue}
pebble roll!
Clap! {claps hands}
hammer drop

Drop… {Clap}
Catch the Hammer… {Clap-Clap-Clap}
Hammer Drop… {silent}

Kurin: The dwarvish version rhymes much better. Funny thing is, I’d heard the pattern before. This is the way my tall uncle Hynard taught me…

Clap! {claps hands}
salmon leap
Tek! {taps knuckle on table}
acorn drop
Whoof! {blows air from mouth}
thistle down
Thump! {stomps foot}
rabbit hop
Wheeee! {whistles}
kettle sing
Pep! {Pops finger in mouth!}
bubble pop
T-h-r-r-r-r {rolls tongue}
water fall
Clap! {claps hands}
dancer stop

Stop… {Clap}
Catch the Dancer… {Clap, Clap, Clap}
Dancer Stop… {silent}

Kurin: Maybe you could try a chant with your people sometime? Might work like a song?

{Kurin starts humming, his voice fading as the beer takes hold}

Pump the bellows,
Pump the bellows,
Push the deeping mountain breeze
Beans for breakfast
Beans for supper
Beans for dinner if you please

Beans for breakfast
Turn the bore
Pump those bellows
Dig that ore
What are all those good beans for?
Blasting through a bedrock core.


Beans for supper
Blow the air
Light a fire
Don’t you dare
If you light it
You beware
Mountain miners should take care


Beans for dinner
Working late
Just how many
beans I ate?
Keeps me strong and workin great
Tummy grumbles
What a fate…

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